The Lackawanna County Workforce Development Board (WDB) is a volunteer, non-profit Board comprised of businessmen and women and community leaders engaged in the promotion of economic development, workforce development, planning, and oversight of local training efforts under the auspices of the Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014.  Heralding a system of collaboration and coordination of service provision, the WDB promotes the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s “One-Stop” concept of operation, operating locally as the PA CareerLink® Lackawanna County, located at 135 Franklin Avenue in downtown Scranton, PA. 

The Lackawanna County Board of Commissioners, as Chief Elected officials, has sole authority for appointment of members to the Lackawanna County WDB.  The Lackawanna County WDB’s jurisdiction encompasses the single-County of Lackawanna as a whole with coordination and collaboration established with adjoining WDBs located in the northeast sector of the Commonwealth – Luzerne/Schuylkill, Northern Tier (Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, &  Wyoming Counties), and the Pocono Counties (Carbon, Monroe, Pike, & Wayne.)

Lackawanna County currently serves as the Fiscal Agent for all local WIOA activities, to ensure proper segregation of duties, transparency, and alignment with the WIOA.

In that concept, the Lackawanna County WDB continues to support the following Vision:  To serve as a conduit for information and communication among stakeholders, promoting economic growth through strategic investment and leveraging of resources to increase career advancement opportunities and the competitive advantage of businesses in Lackawanna County and all of Northeastern Pennsylvania and to promote the Mission of a comprehensive and structurally sound workforce development system through human capital development, capacity building, and operational effectiveness.

In accomplishing the mission strategies, the following occurs:
